Our befriending service matches carefully vetted volunteers with Barnet residents who are lonely and isolated. Relationships normally involve regular phone or home visits for a chat and a laugh. Some matches may also involve outings to shops or parks, help with paperwork and modern technology. Recently most of the volunteer/client interaction has been via telephone or online and we have also been enabling people to find information and safe social outlets.
Who is the service for?
The service is for Barnet residents, aged 55 and over, who are lonely and isolated due to frailty or physical disability. Our service covers the whole of the borough, but if you live in an area covered by a locally based service or require the services of an organisation that specialises in your area of need, you may be signposted or referred to that organisation.
Organisation | Age UK Barnet |
Address | The Ann Owens Centre, London, Greater London, N2 8LT, United Kingdom |
Phone | 020 8203 5040 |
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New Citizens’ Gateway
CommUNITY Barnet
The Good Neighbour Scheme for Mill Hill and Burnt Oak